Monday, September 13, 2010

World War II facts

There are many theories about what started the Second World War. The most common belief is that Hitler wanted more land to expand into Germany. Looking for a reason to start a war and invade Poland, but I do not want it to appear that he instigated, Hitler staged a Polish attack on Germany. This would counter-attack in Germany and Poland to justify the invasion.

On August 31, 1939, under the command of Hitler, Himmler and ingenuity, a small group of Nazi Germans dressed in Polish uniforms attackedGerman radio station. They left a dead prisoners from concentration camps in Polish uniform, making it appear as if he had died in an attack against the radio station. On 1 September he declared war on Germany against Poland. Ignoring warnings from Britain and France to withdraw their troops from Poland, Germany began the invasion.

Two days later, on September 3 both Britain and France declared war on Germany. The series of events began in the Second World War. Later, theThe war would serve as a template for Hitler's Holocaust and genocide against the true enemy of the Nazis, the Jews.

The United States entered the war, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. The next day, said that the United States and Japan, the war on December 11 declared war on Germany.

On June 6, 1944, almost 150,000 soldiers invaded the beaches of Normandy. D-Day, as it was called, was the largest amphibious invasion of western powers in world history. BeforeJune would have been more than 850,000 American soldiers, British and Canadians to occupy Normandy. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, like the invasion of Normandy The Great Crusade. "

On April 30, 1945, Hitler, together with his longtime lover and committed suicide a week later, Germany surrendered to end World War II. The end of the Second World War was the beginning of an era of cold war that will continue for the next fifty years ago.
More than 100Millions of soldiers took part in the war, making it the most widespread war in history. About 72 million people have died, including 47 million civilians and 25 million soldiers.

20 million deaths were dying of hunger, war and disease and 4 million prisoners of war in captivity. This astronomical number of victims would be the second World War, the bloodiest war in history. It was not only deeply with the great number of victims. He was also known as the mostexpensive cost of the war nearly a trillion dollars.

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